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Bio-based food packaging


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"Tomatoes in a plastic box because they taste better."

"Tomatoes in a paper bag because I think they are healthier."

"I prefer coffee in a metal can because of the packaging and the taste."

"Milk in PET cartons is all that's available in my village."

"My favourite coffee brand only uses foil packaging."

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"Customer is price-sensitive and is not willing to pay 5 cents more just for the packaging"

"To be just bio-based is not enough – you have to guarantee good performance"

"Lack of trust, so many products are labelled as bio-based even though they are not"

"What is better? Bio-based or recyclable?"

"Different labels are very confusing for the consumers"

"Some people think that the quality is not as good as traditional materials"

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"New emerging niche market – consumers are more oriented towards sustainable products"

"Big potential market – people are ready if you use the right argument"

"To be part of a greener world"

"Bio-based waste streams are a good source of raw materials, they don’t compete with food feedstock"

"Good image of sustainability – people might not want to buy bio-based plastics because they are supposedly less resistant"


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