Housing and pollutionCircular buildings are rapidly becoming a fundamental component of modern towns and cities.
Due to its current linear approach, this sector is responsible for 9% of the gross domestic product in the European Union. It uses 50% of extracted materials, consuming 40% and 30% of final energy and water respectively, and producing one-third of total EU waste.
The shift from a linear economy to a circular economy becomes increasingly urgent.
Learn more about this:
Passports to defend the rights of the building materials
Target zero-waste: building “second hand” to revive materials
A new lane is being drawn
Against this backdrop, there is one right way to go: the adoption of a circular thinking approach. This would enable better decisions about circular solutions for all different stages of a building’s life cycle.
This approach would foster co-creation among stakeholders in each stage for an optimal building’s functionality and use of resources (water, waste, material, and energy).
Learn more about this:
Co-creating in Austria and Catalonia
The call for circular ideas is open
People, from users to agents Co-creation, as a part of open innovation, allows social and cultural barriers between different stakeholders to be overcome.
They have the right, through a more participatory democracy, to participate in sciences.
Learn more about this:
Circularity for all? “There is a real risk for it becoming a privilege for the rich”
Different voices united by co-creationIn the building sector, circular solutions should address two different, but interwined, needs.
The two needs are: change the behaviour of inhabitants and help owners and investors to prepare for the change.
This change requires new collaborative models and new knowledge. It also involves fostering a new culture aimed at reusing resources.
The co-creation is the way to go.
Learn more about this:
Social perceptions and beliefs in circular economy at building scale.
Social engagement strategy for the co-creation of Houseful solutions as new services (v.1)
4 “worlds” co-create the building sustainable future
- Cambium and Donaufelder, in Austria;
- Sabadell and Sant Quirze, in Spain
Learn more about this:
How we helped the inhabitants of the two Spanish demo buildings to adopt a sustainable approach
Validating the Houseful ideas, co creatively
Co-creation blueprint is the answerHOUSEFUL thus developed a co-creation blueprint which covers a building's holistic solution and includes an open innovation act.
In this framework, our users and stakeholders became co-designers.
Here, the main benefit is that, for a refurbishment, all relevant voices are heard, the end result is of higher quality and the needs and desires of the community are factored in.
There are also benefits for the promoters,
Neighbourhood, owners, suppliers, policy makers – they can all work together to remove barriers. This allows for, amongst other aspects, better financial performance.
At the end of this process, we developed 13 co-creation ideas.
Learn more about this:
Co-creation ideas info pack
Social perceptions and beliefs in circular economy at building scale.
Lighthouse Circular Buildings
Now, let’s get togetherOur world is calling on us to participate.
Let’s get together!
Learn more about Houseful and be inspired by its legacy in our Resources section.
Visit the HOUSEFUL website:
HOUSEFUL has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and Innovation programme under grant agreement N°776708.